# R-Script to Perform MLE on a Step-Stress Testing Example # Coded by Taotao Zhou and Reuel Smith 2015-2017 # ======================================================================== # Example Problem 4.17 # For the data given in Table 4.8, # ======================================================================== # Step Stress Test Time Test Result (time of failure occurrence) # (volts) (hrs) # ==== ======= ========= ========================================== # 1 2 250 0 fails in 11 # 2 3 100 3 fails in 11 (30; 60; 80) # 3 4 20 3 fails in 8 (2; 10; 16) # 4 5 10 3 fails in 5 (1; 4; 8) # 5 6 10 2 fails in 2 (1; 5) # 6 7 10 0 fails in 0 # ======================================================================== # stresses are # # S_1=2, 0<t<=250 # S_2=3, 250<t<=350 # S_3=4, 350<t<=370 # S_4=5, 370<t<=380 # S_5=6, 380<t<=390 # S_6=7, 390<t<=Inf # # Using the log-likelihood function in Equation (4.139) estimate the # parameters beta, K, and n. # ======================================================================== # Solution: # The negative log-likelihood loglik is input directly into the R-script # and minimized (the actual log-likelihood is maximized) to find the MLE # parameter estimates for beta, K, and n. # ======================================================================== # Initialize data and constants # ======================================================================== # Definitions of different variables used in this code # theta[1]: beta parameter # theta[2]: K parameter # theta[3]: n parameter # Stress Levels 1 through 6 in Volts V <- c(2,3,4,5,6,7) # The end time of each of the Stress Levels 1 through 5 (in hours) t_end <- c(250,350,370,380,390) # The given ungrouped failure times ttf <- c(280,310,330,352,360,366,371,374,378,381,385) # ======================================================================== # The next step is to define the the failure and survival times as well as # failure and survival stress levels for each of the six step stress # levels. Note that all instances where the failure time vector (TTF) and # survival time vector (TTS) is left as 0, are not added to the operation # because the log-likelihood only counts the times failed and succeded # through all the steps. # ======================================================================== # STEP 1: 2V; 250hr test time; 0 fails in 11 # Failure Times in hours (0) # N/A # Survival times in hours (11) TTS1 <- t_end[1]*c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) # Failure Stress (V) # N/A # Survival Stress (V) VS1 <- V[1]*c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) # STEP 2: 3V; 100hr test time; 3 fails in 11 (30; 60; 80) # Failure Times in hours (3) TTF2 <- c(ttf[1:3]) # Survival times in hours (8) TTS2 = t_end[2]*c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) # Failure Stress (V) VF2 <- V[2]*c(1,1,1) # Survival Stress (V) VS2 = V[2]*c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) # STEP 3: 4V; 20hr test time; 3 fails in 8 (2; 10; 16) # Failure Times in hours (3) TTF3 <- c(ttf[4:6]) # Survival times in hours (5) TTS3 <- t_end[3]*c(1,1,1,1,1) # Failure Stress (V) VF3 <- V[3]*c(1,1,1) # Survival Stress (V) VS3 <- V[3]*c(1,1,1,1,1) # STEP 4: 5V; 10hr test time; 3 fails in 5 (1; 4; 8) # Failure Times in hours (3) TTF4 <- c(ttf[7:9]) # Survival times in hours (2) TTS4 <- t_end[4]*c(1,1) # Failure Stress (V) VF4 <- V[4]*c(1,1,1) # Survival Stress (V) VS4 <- V[4]*c(1,1) # STEP 5: 6V; 10hr test time; 2 fails in 2 (1; 5) # Failure Times in hours (2) TTF5 <- c(ttf[10:11]) # Survival times in hours (8) # N/A # Failure Stress (V) VF5 = V[5]*c(1,1) # Survival Stress (V) # N/A # STEP 6: 7V; 10hr test time; 0 fails in 0 # Failure Times in hours (0) # N/A # Survival times in hours (0) # N/A # Failure Stress (V) # N/A # Survival Stress (V) # N/A # ======================================================================== # SETUP FOR TAU (tau1 through tau5 for stress levels 2 through 6 # This establishes the equivalent time (tau_(i-1)) of step i-1 if the item # is operated at step stress level i. Tau_1 follows Equation 4.135 in the # textbook while all other tau values follow Equation 4.136. # ======================================================================== # tau for step 2 tau1 <- function(n) { t_end[1]*(V[1]/V[2])^n } # tau for step 3 tau2 <- function(n) { (t_end[2]-t_end[1]+tau1(n))*(V[2]/V[3])^n } # tau for step 4 tau3 <- function(n) { (t_end[3]-t_end[2]+tau2(n))*(V[3]/V[4])^n } # tau for step 5 tau4 <- function(n) { (t_end[4]-t_end[3]+tau3(n))*(V[4]/V[5])^n } # tau for step 6 tau5 <- function(n) { (t_end[5]-t_end[4]+tau4(n))*(V[5]/V[6])^n } # ======================================================================== # SETUP FOR ADJUSTED TIME VECTORS # The procedure for setting up the adjusted failure time vector ti, and the # adjusted survival time vector tj follows the expression given in Equation # 4.134. The vector tvect is the t_(i-1) value, the end time of step i-1, # and tau is the tau_(i-1) value. Each failure time and survival time is # assigned a t_(i-1) and tau_(i-1) according to the step. tvecti <- c(t_end[1]*c(1,1,1),t_end[2]*c(1,1,1),t_end[3]*c(1,1,1),t_end[4]*c(1,1)) tvectj <- c(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),t_end[1]*c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),t_end[2]*c(1,1,1,1,1),t_end[3]*c(1,1)) taui <- function(n) { c(tau1(n),tau1(n),tau1(n),tau2(n),tau2(n),tau2(n),tau3(n),tau3(n),tau3(n),tau4(n),tau4(n)) } tauj <- function(n) { c(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),tau1(n),tau1(n),tau1(n),tau1(n),tau1(n),tau1(n),tau1(n),tau1(n),tau2(n),tau2(n),tau2(n),tau2(n),tau2(n),tau3(n),tau3(n)) } ti <- function(n) { c(TTF2,TTF3,TTF4,TTF5) - tvecti + taui(n) } tj <- function(n) { c(TTS1,TTS2,TTS3,TTS4) - tvectj + tauj(n) } # The failure and survival stress levels are assigned a vector of the same # sizes as the adjusted time vectors for the MLE operation. Vi <- c(VF2,VF3,VF4,VF5) Vj <- c(VS1,VS2,VS3,VS4) # SETUP EQUATION AND SOLVE MLE # The equation for MLE analysis, the log-likelihood needs to be flipped to # the negative since the NLM function is a minimization function. The # initial estimate c(x1,x2,x3) should be checked in advance to see if it is # a viable estimate or as close zero as possible. A reasonable first guess # may be acquired by using the Plotting Step-Stress method defined in # section 4.16.1. Randomly estimating c(x1,x2,x3) will almost always # result in a poor estimate. loglik <- function(theta) { -(sum(log(theta[1]*theta[2]*(Vi^theta[3])*(theta[2]*(Vi^theta[3])*ti(theta[3]))^(theta[1]-1))) - sum((theta[2]*(Vi^theta[3])*ti(theta[3]))^theta[1]) - sum((theta[2]*(Vj^theta[3])*tj(theta[3]))^theta[1])) } nlm(loglik, theta <- c(2.5996,0.00015462,1.8308), hessian=TRUE)