Meet Jessica who enjoys building tangible solutions to real world problems
Name: Jessica Zhu
Year in Program: First year
Advisor: Dr. Michel Cukier
Research interests: Interpretable ML, network science, natural language processing
What drew you to engineering?
I enjoy building tangible solutions to real world problems; this endeavor benefits from an engineering mindset
What made you choose UMD and the ENRE Program?
I was working with Dr. Cukier thanks to our overlapping research interests and I mentioned to him that I had always been interested in pursuing a PhD. He, as well as other former students, highly recommended the ENRE program. After also factoring in the flexibility the program and Dr. Cukier offered me as a part time student, the credits they were able to absorb from my Master's degree, and the opportunity to focus my research on the reliability of machine learning systems (and of course funding), I was convinced.
What do you want people to know about Reliability Engineering that they may not be aware of?
Reliability Engineering doesn't have to just be about mechanical systems!
A fun fact about you? (Not related to engineering!)
I love being outside and shredding trails on a mountain bike or skis.