%% Weibull Plotting (Single) Example % Coded by Reuel Smith 2015-2017 % v. MATLAB R2015b through 2017a % ======================================================================== % Example Problem 5.1 % Five specimens of a new corrosion-resistant material are tested for 240 % hours in a highly corrosive environment. The density of the material is % 7.6 g/cm3, and the exposed surface area of each specimen is 4.3 cm2. At % the end of the test period, the measured weight losses in mg were 11.1, % 10.4, 12.1, 11.4, and 9.8 (assume no measurement error). If a % degradation of 1 mm or more results in a structural failure, predict the % failure times for the five specimens. Based on these failure times, % determine the probability distribution that best represents the life of % the material. % % Solution: % TTF = 70659, 75415, 64820, 68800, and 80033 % The proposed probability solutions for this problem are Weibull and % Lognormal. This routine will process the Weibull solution for the % parameters alpha and beta, and the Weibull fit probability plot % ======================================================================== clc clear % ======================================================================== % PART 1: Initialize data and constants % ======================================================================== % sorting the times to failure in ascending order (CHANGE NUMBERS FOR % DIFERENT DATA) TTF = sort([70659 75415 64820 68800 80033])'; % set the length of the TTF vector or the number of failures n = length(TTF); % CDF or Failure Percent for probability plot under the Kimball probability % plotting position: (i - 0.375)/(n + 0.25). Other plotting positions may % be assumed: % Midpoint - (i - 0.5)/n % Mean - i/(n + 1) % Median - (i - 0.3)/(n + 0.4) i = 1:n; % uncensored data points from 1 to n F = 100.*((i'-0.375)./(n+0.25)); % Weibull scale conversion of the Failure Percent data FB = log(log(1./(1-F./100))); % reliability for probability plot R = (100-F)./100; % Scale conversion to Weibull plot scale % Upper and lower bounds of the Percent Failure axis in percent fc = [.1 99.9]; % Weibull scale conversion of the upper and lower bounds of the Percent % Failure axis fcB = log(log(1./(1-fc./100))); % Percent Failure ticks cited between the lower and upper bounds Pticks1 = [0.1:0.1:1 2:1:10 20:10:90 95 99 99.9]; % Weibull scale conversion of Percent Failure ticks cited between the lower % and upper bounds Pticks = log(log(1./(1-Pticks1./100))); % ======================================================================== % PART 2: Solve for Weibull Parameters alpha and beta % ======================================================================== % The Weibull parameters alpha and beta may be computed by assuming a % relationship for the reliability function R(t) = exp[-(t/alpha)^beta] or % 1/R(t) = exp[(t/alpha)^beta]. The relation translates to: % % ln[ln(1/R(t))] = beta*ln(t) - beta*ln(alpha) % % The POLYFIT function is used to fit this linear relationship and extract % the Weibull parameters alpha and beta. See Reliability Engineering and % Risk Analysis: A Practical Guide Section for method. wblparm = polyfit(log(TTF),log(log(1./R)),1); beta = wblparm(1);alpha = exp(-wblparm(2)/beta); disp(['Weibull parameters: alpha = ',num2str(alpha),' hours and beta = ',num2str(beta)]) % ======================================================================== % PART 3: Weibull probability plot % ======================================================================== % Plot points at 0.1% and 99.9% % These have a different polynomial pair than that which was used to find % the alpha and beta intercept = wblparm(2); ttfc = exp([(log(log(1./(1-0.001)))-intercept)/beta (log(log(1./(1-0.999)))-intercept)/beta]); % Computes the upper and lower bound for the TTF axis in terms of log-time signs1 = [floor(log10(ttfc(1))):1:ceil(log10(ttfc(2)))]; figure(1) semilogx(TTF,FB,'b*',ttfc,fcB,'b-'); xlabel('Time (hours)') ylabel('Percent Failure') grid on legend('Data','Weibull best fit line','Location','Northwest') set(gca,'XTickLabel',{num2str(10.^signs1')}) set(gca,'YTick',Pticks,'YTickLabel',{'0.10';'0.20';'0.30';' ';'0.50';' ';' ';' ';' ';'1.00';'2.00';'3.00';' ';'5.00';' ';' ';' ';' ';'10.00';'20.00';'30.00';'40.00';'50.00';'60.00';'70.00';'80.00';'90.00';'95.00';'99.00';'99.90'}) xlim([10^signs1(1) 10^signs1(end)]) ylim([log(log(1./(1-0.001))) log(log(1./(1-0.999)))]) set(gcf,'color','w');