Krivtsov, Vasiliy
Center for Risk and Reliability
Vasiliy Krivtsov is the Director of Reliability Analytics at the Ford Motor Company and a Henry Ford Technical Fellow. He also holds the position of Adjunct Professor of Reliability Engineering at the University of Maryland, where he teaches a graduate course on Advanced Reliability Data Analysis and coordinates students' research projects.
Krivtsov has earned a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine and a PhD in Reliability Engineering from the University of Maryland, USA. He is the author and co-author of over 90 professional publications, including 2 books on Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis, 10 patented inventions and 7 internal (trade secret) inventions on statistical algorithms for Ford. He is a Vice Chair of the International Reliability Symposium (RAMS®) Tutorials Committee and a Senior Member of IEEE. Prior to Ford, Krivtsov held the position of Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering in Ukraine, and that of Graduate Research Scientist at the University of Maryland Center for Reliability Engineering. Further information on Dr. Krivtsov's professional activity is available at krivtsov.net
Research Interests
- Probabilistic models for recurrent repairs in the framework of g-renewal and quazi-renewal processes.
- Bivariate (e.g., in time & mileage) survival regression models with fixed and time-dependent covariates.
- Regularization techniques for ill-posed reliability estimation problems.
- Reliability condition-based maintenance of vehicle fleets based on real-time (“big”) data from connected vehicle fleets.
Research Awards
- Haren Gandhi Research & Innovation Award, Ford Motor Company, 2021.
- Ford Corporate Trade Secret Award, Ford Motor Company, August 2021 (6 more awards received in 2003, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013).
- Alan O. Plait Best Lecture Award, International Reliability Symposium (RAMS), January 2020.
- Wiley 2019 Most Cited Paper Award, Wiley & Sons, 2019.
- Henry Ford Technology Award, Ford Motor Company, 2019.
- Cecil C. Craig Best Technical Paper Award, ASQ Automotive Reliability Division, Dec 2017.
- Best Paper Award, Applied Reliability & Durability Conference, Chicago, June 2017.
- ARS Best Lecture Award, Applied Reliability Symposium, Indianapolis, June 2014.
- Alan O. Plait Best Paper Award, International Reliability Symposium (RAMS), January 2012.
- Honorary Professor Diploma, Kharkov Institute of Electronic & Computer Technology, Ukraine, September 2006.
- Ford Research Technical Achievement Award, Ford Motor Company, November 2002.
- US DOE Outstanding Achievement Award, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), December 1996.
- Chair of Tutorials Committee; International Symposium on Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (RAMS®); 2020– present.
- Member of the Editorial Board, Reliability: Theory & Applications, International Journal, 2016 – present.
- Member of the Scientific Committee, International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR) | Tokyo Japan 2015; Grenoble France 2017.
- Member of the Editorial Board, Reliability Engineering and System Safety (RESS), International Journal, 1999 – 2016.
- Guest Editor of the RESS Special Issue on "Recent advances in theory and applications of stochastic point process models", Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2007, Vol. 92.
- Vice Chair of Tutorials Committee; International Symposium on Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (RAMS®); 2014– 2019.
- Speaker and/or Session Chair; International Symposium on Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (RAMS®), 2000 – present.
- Senior Member, IEEE; 2010 – present; IEEE Reliability Society, 1997 – present. Publications in IEEE Transactions on Reliability :: Vol 54 (2005), Vol. 61 (2012), Vol 62 (2013).
Books & Book Chapters
- V.V. Krivtsov, S.V. Amari, V.I. Gurevich (2018), Reliability aspects of a series load–sharing system – in Safety and Reliability: Safe Societies in a Changing World, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 9780815386827.
- M. Modarres, M. P. Kaminsky, V.V. Krivtsov (2016), Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis, 3rd edition, Taylor & Francis, London, ISBN: 978-1498745871.
- M.P. Kaminskiy and V.V. Krivtsov (2011), A Gini-Type Index for Aging/Rejuvenating Objects - in Mathematical and Statistical Models and Methods in Reliability, Springer, Birkhäuser Boston, ISBN: 978-0-8176-4970-8.
- M. Modarres, M. P. Kaminsky, V.V. Krivtsov (2009), Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis, 2nd edition, Taylor & Francis, London, ISBN: 0-8493-9247-0.
- V.V. Krivtsov and V.I. Gurevich (2003), Reliability Optimization for the Series Configuration of Electronic Components - in Protection Devices and Systems for High-Voltage Applications, Marcel Dekker, New York, ISBN: 0-8247-4056-4.
- V.V. Krivtsov, D.E. Tananko and T.P. Davis (2002), Application of Proportional Hazard Model to Tire Design Analysis, in Statistical and Analytical Methods in Automotive Engineering, Professional Engineering Publishing, London, ISBN:1-86058-387-3.
- M. Modarres, M. P. Kaminsky, V.V. Krivtsov (1999), Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: Practical Guide, Marcel Dekker, New York, ISBN: 0-8247-2000-8.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (1998), A Monte Carlo Approach to Repairable System Reliability Analysis - in Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, Springer, Birkhäuser Boston, ISBN: 3-540-76262-0.
- V.V. Krivtsov (1991), Parameter Correction Methods of Magnetically Controlled High-Voltage Interface Devices (in Russian), Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 236 p.
Refereed Journals
- X. Li, V. Krivtsov, C. Pan, A. Nassehi, R. Gao, & D. Ivanov (2024) Picture End-to-end supply chain resilience management using deep learning, survival analysis, and explainable artificial intelligence — International Journal of Production Research, 1–29.
- A. Chehade, W. Hassanieh, V. Krivtsov (2024) Picture SeqOAE: Deep sequence-to-sequence orthogonal auto-encoder for time-series forecasting under variable population sizes — Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 110107.
- S. Baumanns, A. Chehade, V. Krivtsov, T. Hochkirchen, et. al (2023) Data-driven Framework for Warranty Claims Forecasting — Wiley Engineering Reports, No. 12764.
- A. Chehade, M. Savargaonkar, V.V. Krivtsov (2022) Conditional Gaussian Mixture Model for Warranty Claims Forecasting — Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 218, Part B, 108180.
- X.Li., V.V. Krivtsov, and K. Arora (2022) Attention-Based Deep Survival Model for Time Series Data — Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 217, 108033.
- A.Yu. Yevkin and V.V. Krivtsov (2020) A Generalized Model for Recurrent Failures Prediction — Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 204, 107125.
- A. Chehade, Z. Shi, V.V. Krivtsov (2020) Power–Law Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process with a Mixture of Latent Common Shape Parameters — Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 203, 107097.
- V.V. Krivtsov, S. Amari, V.I. Gurevich (2018) Load sharing in series configuration - Wiley International Journal on Quality & Reliability, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 15-26. | doi.org/10.1002/qre.2230.
- V.V. Krivtsov and M.Ya. Frankstein (2017) A Bayesian Estimation Procedure of Reliability Function for Lifetime Distributions - IJPE, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 129-134.
- V.V. Krivtsov, M.Ya. Frankstein, A.Yu. Yevkin (2016) On Reliability of a Multi-Socket Repairable System - Wiley International Journal on Quality & Reliability, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 1011-1017. doi: 10.1002/qre.2078.
- V.V. Krivtsov and A.Yu. Yevkin (2013), Estimation of G-Renewal Process Parameters as an Ill-Posed Inverse Problem - Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 115, pp. 10-18.
- A.Yu. Yevkin and V.V. Krivtsov (2013), Comparative Analysis of Optimal Maintenance Policies under General Repair with Underlying Weibull Distribution - IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 62, Issue 1, pp. 82-91.
- A.Yu. Yevkin and V.V. Krivtsov (2012), Approximate Solution to G-Renewal Equation with Underlying Weibull Distribution - IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 61, Issue 1, pp. 68-73.
- V.V. Krivtsov (2011), Field Data Analysis & Statistical Warranty Forecasting - Alan O. Plait Best Paper Award, IEEE Catalog No CFP11RAM-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8855-1.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2010), G1-Renewal Process as Repairable System Model, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory & Applications, #3, Vol.1, pp. 7-14. Also available in Cornell University Archive - Statistical methodology, arXiv:1006.3718v1 [stat.ME].
- V.V. Krivtsov, I.M. Kolmanovsky, and T.P. Davis (2008), A Constrained Quadratic Spline as a Model for Cumulative Hazard Function, Int. J. Reliability and Safety, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.170-178.
- V.V. Krivtsov (2008), On the NHPP with Underlying Distributions of the Location–Scale Family, Reliability Edge, Vol. 9, #1, pp. 20-24.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2008), An Integral Measure of Aging/Rejuvenation for Repairable and Non-repairable Systems, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory & Applications, Vol. 1, pp. 69-76. Also available in Cornell University Archive - Statistical methodology, arXiv:0711.3218v1 [stat.ME].
- V.V. Krivtsov (2007), Recent Advances in Theory & Applications of Stochastic Point Processes in Reliability Engineering, Editorial Review, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 92, # 5, pp. 549-551.
- V.V. Krivtsov (2007), Practical Extensions to NHPP Application in Repairable System Reliability Analysis, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 92, # 5, pp. 560-562.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2006), Bayesian Probability Papers, Reliability: Theory & Applications, No 1(2), pp. 57-62.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2006), G-Renewal Process in Warranty Data Analysis, Reliability: Theory & Applications, No 1(1), pp. 29-34 (also translated into Russian).
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V.Krivtsov (2005), A Simple Procedure for Bayesian Estimation of Weibull Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 54, pp. 612-616.
- M.I. Awad, M.A. Dejack, and V.V. Krivtsov (2004), Evaluation of Fatigue Life Regression Models - SAE Technical Paper Series, # 2004-01-0625.
- D.E. Tananko, V.V. Krivtsov and D.C. Rohweder (2003), Do We Really Need a Spec on Tire Static Balance? - SAE Technical Paper Series, # 2003-01-0151.
- V.V. Krivtsov, D.E. Tananko and T.P. Davis (2002), A Regression Approach to Tire Reliability Analysis, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 78, # 3, pp. 267-273.
- V.V. Krivtsov and J. W. Case (1999), Peculiarities of Censored Data Analysis in Automotive Industry Applications - SAE Technical Paper Series, # 1999-01-3220.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (1997), A Monte Carlo Approach to Warranty Repair Predictions - SAE Technical Paper Series, # 972582.
- V.I. Gurevich and V.V. Krivtsov (1992), New Relay Technology for the Power Network System Automation (originally in Russian) - Electrical Power Engineering, #4, pp. 44-46.
- V.V. Krivtsov and V.I. Gurevich (1991), New Design Principles of the Overcurrent Protection Based on Magnetically Excited Contacts (originally in Russian) - Power Engineering, 1991, #6, pp. 38-43.
- V.I. Gurevich and V.V. Krivtsov (1991), High Voltage Hercone-Semiconducting Commutation Devices for REA Electric Power Supply Systems (originally in Russian) -Telecommunications And Radio Engineering - U.S.A., Scripta Technica Inc., #4, pp. 46-48.
- V.I. Gurevich, V.V. Krivtsov, P.I. Savchenko (1990), Interface Relays (originally in Russian) - Soviet Electrical Engineering, Allerton Press, Inc., Vol. 61, #6, pp. 71-75.
- V.I. Gurevich, P.I. Savchenko, V.V. Krivtsov (1988), Reed Interface Parameter Correction (originally in Russian) - Electronic Engineering, #3(122), pp. 89-93.
Conference Proceedings
- V.V. Krivtsov and A.Yu. Yevkin (2023), Validation of Recurrent Failures Prediction Model Based on Underlying Distribution Function - in Proc. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Orlando, FL, January 2023.
- V.V. Krivtsov and M.P. Kaminsky (2021), Recent Advances in Reliability Applications of Gini Type Index - in Proc. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Orlando, FL, May 2021.
- V.V. Krivtsov and A.Yu. Yevkin (2017), Regularization techniques for recurrent failure prediction under Kijima models - in Proc. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Orlando, FL, January 2017.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2015), Geometric G1-Renewal Process as Repairable System Model - in Proc. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Innisbrook, FL, January 2015.
- V.V. Krivtsov and M. Frankstein (2014), Reliability Analysis of “Sibling” Components - in Proc. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Colorado Springs, CO, January 2014.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2011), Gini: from Economics to Reliability - in Proc. Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Rome, Italy, June 2011, pp. 100-102.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2009), A Gini–Type Index for Aging/Rejuvenating Objects - in Proc. Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Moscow, Russia, June 2009, pp. 391-394.
- V.V. Krivtsov (2008), Statistical Warranty Forecasting - in Proc. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Las Vegas, NV, January 2008.
- V.V. Krivtsov and M. Frankstein (2006), Automotive Component Reliability: Should it be measured in Time or Mileage? - in Proc. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Newport Beach, CA, January 2006, pp.601-605.
- V.V. Krivtsov (2005), Application Extensions of Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process, Invited Speech - in Proc. International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability, Beer Sheva, Israel, February 2005, pp. 217-220.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2004), An Approach to Evaluating the Joint Prior Distribution of Weibull Parameters - in Proc. 4th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 2004.
- V.V. Krivtsov and M. Frankstein (2004), Nonparametric Estimation of Marginal Failure Distributions from Dually Censored Automotive Data - in Proc. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, January 2004, pp. 86-89.
- V.V. Krivtsov and M. Frankstein (2001), Statistical Estimation of Hazard Function from Censored Automotive Data - in Proc. Spring Research Conference on Statistics in Industry & Technology, Roanoke, VA , June 2001.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2000), A Monte Carlo Approach to Estimation of G-Renewal Process in Warranty Data Analysis - in Proc. 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Bordeaux, France, June 2000, pp. 583-586.
- V.V. Krivtsov and J.W. Wasiloff (2000), Classical Vs. Bayesian Reliability Growth in Theory and Practice - in Proc. ASQ 54th Quality Congress, Indianapolis, IN, May 2000, pp. 311-316.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2000), G-Renewal Process as a Model for Statistical Warranty Claim Prediction - in Proc. Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium, Los Angeles, January 2000, pp. 276-280.
- V.V. Krivtsov (1999), Bayesian Reliability Analysis in Automotive Industry Applications - in Proc. 11th SAE Aerospace International Reliability, Supportability & Logistics Conference, Auburn Hills, MI, May 1999.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (1999), A Statistical Estimation of the Cost Impact from Introducing a Mileage Limit in Automobile Warranty Policy - Proc., Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 28, # 2, p. 73.
- V.V. Krivtsov (1998), A Monte Carlo Simulation of Stochastic Point Processes for Automotive Industry Applications - Proc., Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 27, # 2, p. 98.
- M.P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (1997), A Validation of Accelerated Test life Data - in Proc. 9th SAE Aerospace International Reliability, Supportability & Logistics Conference and Workshop, Dallas, TX, June 1997.
- V.V. Krivtsov, et. al (1996) A Reactor Safety Assessment System: Summary of Methods and Experiences - in Proc. International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management ESRA, Crete, Greece, June 1996, pp. 30-36.
- V.V. Krivtsov and V.I. Gurevich (1991), Calculation of the Rational Parameters for the Electromagnet Forcing Excitation Circuit - in Proc. National Conf. of Young Scientists on Electrotechnical Equipment of HV Conversion and Solid-State Techniques (National Research Institute of EE, Moscow, USSR, Oct. 1991), pp. 27-30.
- V.I. Gurevich and V.V. Krivtsov (1991), HV Reed-Semiconductor Switching Devices and their Application - in Proc. 5th All Union Sc. & Tech. Conf. on Conversion Techniques Problems (Ukr. Academy of Sciences Inst. of Electrodynamics, Kiev, Ukraine, Sept. 1991), pp. 189-191.
- V.I. Gurevich and V.V. Krivtsov (1990), Hybrid HV Reed-Solid-State Commutation Devices - in Proc. National Conf. on Power Electronics Equipment (National Research Institute of Electrical Engineering, Moscow, USSR, Jan. 1990), p.13.
- V.V. Krivtsov, V.I. Gurevich, K.K. Namitokov (1990), Methods of the Reed-Interface Operating Time Reduction - INFORMELECTRO, #9.
- V.V. Krivtsov, V.I. Gurevich, P.I. Savchenko (1989), A Monte Carlo Simulation for the Statistical Estimation of the Reed-Interface Parameters - INFORMELECTRO, 1989, #2.
- V.V. Krivtsov, V.I. Gurevich, P.I. Savchenko (1988), The Application of the Monte Carlo Method to the Hercotrone Operating Parameter Estimation - in Proc. 20th Ukr. Conf. on the Problems of the Safe and Reliable Power Supply and Energy Savings (Sebastopol, USSR, June 1988), pp. 35-36.
- S.S. Seyedsalehi, V.V. Krivtsov, W. S. Johnston, T.A. Montgomery, K.M. Swenskowski, A. Yu. Dubovitskiy, M.J. Fard, J.J. Jin., Enhanced vehicle operation, US Patent # US-2022/0118823A1.
- J.M. Zagajac, A.A. Chopra, V.V. Krivtsov, O. Yu. Gusikhin (2016), Method and Apparatus for Connected Vehicle System Wear Estimation and Maintenance Scheduling, US Patent # US-2016/0163130-A1.
- V.I. Gurevich and V.V. Krivtsov (1991), An HV Solid-State Switching Device - SU Patent # SU-1728945-A1.
- V.V. Krivtsov and V.I. Gurevich (1990), An HV Reed Interface Switching Device - SU Patent # SU-1739396-A1.
- V.V. Krivtsov and V.I. Gurevich (1990), A Bounceless Commutation Method - SU Patent # SU-1772834-A1.
- V.V. Krivtsov and V.I. Gurevich (1989), A Synchronized Reed-Interface Relay - SU Patent # SU-1665423-A1.
- V.I. Gurevich and V.V. Krivtsov (1990), A Fast Operating Reed Interface - SU Patent # SU-1721655-A1.
- V.I. Gurevich and V.V. Krivtsov (1989), A Reed Interface Relay - SU Patent # SU-1711255-A1.
- V.I. Gurevich and V.V. Krivtsov (1988), A Fast Operating Commutation Device - SU Patent # SU-1661859-A1.
- M.I. Gonchar, V.P. Lipovoy, V.V. Krivtsov (1987), A HV Protection Device - SU Patent # SU-1554063-A1.
- V.M. Zubko, N.M. Cheremisin, V.V. Krivtsov, Yu. N. Khmelenko (1984), A Three-Phase Frequency Converter Fed Motor Protection Device - SU Patent # SU-1181047-A1.
Dr. Krivtsov Awarded the Haren S. Gandi Research & Innovation Award
Dr. Haren S. Gandhi was one of the world’s foremost authorities in the area of automotive emissions control.UMD workshop examines risks related to new transportation technology
Key concerns include vehice safety, software reliabillity, and cybersecurity.- Sr. Member