News Story
Manuscript Submission Opens for ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems

ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems is now accepting submissions for a Special Issue on Risk, Resilience and Reliability for Autonomous Vehicle Technologies: Trends, Techniques and Challenges ((SI Number: SI049B).
This special issue is aimed at gathering contributions that discuss new theoretical developments and advanced applications of risk, reliability and uncertainty assessment towards management of autonomous vehicle technologies. More specifically, papers discussing traditional deterministic, probabilistic, machine learning, and hybrid approaches to risk assessment are solicited across all lifecycle events of autonomous technologies. Interpretation of and insights gained from implementation of risk-informed frameworks are also encouraged at various levels of maturity and discussion from a philosophical and ethical standpoint.
An account of data needs and uncertainties around the collection of such data required for successful assessments along with novel solutions to encounter such challenges is welcome. Predictive analytics towards prognostic health management, techno-economic analysis, and loss prevention of autonomously engineered systems are also of interest. Review papers are greatly welcome on the state of the art on the topics.
Guest Editors
• Mohammad Pourgol-Mohamad, University of Maryland, Maryland, MD,
• Arun Veeramany, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA,
• Bilal Ayyub, University of Maryland, Maryland, MD,
Important Dates
• 01 November 2020 Manuscript Submission Opens
• 01 March 2021 Deadline for Submission
• 01 September 2021 Reviews Completed
• April 2022 Special Issue Finalized
Manuscript Submission
Authors should prepare their manuscript following the guidelines in the ASME Author Guide
Upon submitting, please select the special issue: SI049B. Early submission before the deadline is strongly encouraged to promote early review and publication of this Special Issue.
Quality Assurance Standards
The special issue will include only high quality, original contributions that advance the state-of-the art. The standard review procedure of the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems will guarantee the quality of the accepted manuscripts. From 2016-onward, all articles in the journal are included in Web of Science and in Scopus.
Published October 30, 2020