News Story
Excellent attendance at cross-departmental R3 Data Workshop
On May 7-8, 2019, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Center for Risk and Reliability, and the Center for Disaster Resilience organized a workshop on harnessing data for enhanced understanding of risk, reliability, and resilience as part of the Year of Data Science program.
The event invited researchers to particpate in a workshop facilitated by Dr. Christine Ogilvie Hendren, Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Duke University and Executive Director of the Center for the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology (CEINT). The workshop explored opportunities for collaboration on applications related to risk, reliability, and resilience of infrastructure engineered systems. In addition to the discussion, the workshop worked to identify how UMD researchers could better leverage large federal, state, and other relevant databases. Attendees discussed how new data gathering technologies could be used to reduce risk and increase reliability and resilience.
The workshop was well-attended by members of the ENME, ENCE, and ENRE programs and facilitated effective activities which prompted strong cross-departmental engagement. A joint statement and white paper outlining a strategic plan for campus-wide collaboration on data science applications related to risk, reliability, and resilience.
Published May 13, 2019