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ENRE Students Wrap Up Spring 2022 with Many Awards

Reliability Engineering (ENRE) students at the University of Maryland succeed in and out of the classroom. Here are just a few of their recent accomplishments:
Vinnie Paglioni won a Northrop Grumman Teaching Fellowship for spring 2022. The Northrop Grumman Foundation Teachers Academy was created to help enhance teacher confidence and classroom excellence in science, technology, and engineering. Teacher Fellows participate in a variety of science, technology, and engineering-related activities and professional learning opportunities.
Austin Lewis, who is graduating with a Ph.D. in Reliability Engineering this spring, received UMD’s Graduate School’s Outstanding Research Assistant Award for the year 2021-2022. The award conveys the honor of being recognized as among the top 2% of campus Graduate Assistants in a given year.
Taking Part in the 2021 International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis.
The American Nuclear Society’s biennial international conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis is a forum for communication of major probabilistic risk and safety topics worldwide, including issues, methods, applications, insights, policy, research, and risk-informed regulation experience. ENRE students brought home multiple awards from their participation in the most recent PSA conference which took place in November 2021.
Austin Lewis won Best Student Presentation at the International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis (PSA 2021).
Additionally, UMD won two student awards for “Best presentation awarded during the first Graduate Student Lightning Round Competition in which graduate students have one slide and three minutes to present their dissertation research to a panel of expert judges.”
Andres Ruiz-Tagle received the Graduate Research Lighting Round Best Early-Stage Research Presentation Award.Earlier this year, Andres Ruiz-Tagle was selected as Marvin Roush Fellowship in Risk and Reliability from the A. James Clark School of Engineering for the 2021-2022 academic year. To learn more about the Marvin Roush Fellowship in Risk and Reliability, visit this page.
Vincent, Austin and Andres are doctoral students working with Dr. Groth in The Systems Risk and Reliability Analysis (SyRRA) Lab, housed within the Center for Risk and Reliability.
Congratulations to all award recipients for a successful 2021-2022 academic year!
Published May 20, 2022