Modarres, Mohammad
Director, Center for Risk and Reliability
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
Center for Risk and Reliability
- Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1980
Dr. Modarres is the Nicole Y. Kim Eminent Professor at the University of Maryland. Within the A. James Clark School of Engineering of the University of Maryland. He co-founded the world’s first degree-granting graduate curriculum in reliability engineering at the University of Maryland. As the University of Maryland Center for Risk and Reliability Director, Dr. Modarres serves as an international expert on reliability and risk analysis. He has authored numerous books, book chapters, and hundreds of scholarly papers on risk and reliability engineering. His research areas are probabilistic risk assessment, materials degradation science, probabilistic physics of failure, and probabilistic fracture mechanics. His interests in risk, reliability, structural integrity and prognosis, and health management include both experimental and probabilistic model development efforts. He is a recipient of multiple awards. Dr. Modarres received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Tehran Polytechnic, MS in Mechanical Engineering from MIT, and MS and Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from MIT.
- Nicole Y. Kim Eminent Professorship in Engineering
- Minta Martin Professorship in A.J. Clark School of Engineering
- University of Maryland Distinguished Scholar-Teacher
- 2019 Tommy Thompson Award for outstanding lifetime contributions to nuclear safety, American Nuclear Society
- Fellow, American Nuclear Society
- Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- 1996 Maryland Inventor of the Year Award (in Information Sciences)
- FDA Commissioner Special Citation for Contributions to Risk Assessment Methods, 2004
- 2008 International Research Leadership Award conferred by the Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management
Probabilistic risk assessment, Uncertainty analysis, Probabilistic Physics of Failure, Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics, Prognosis and Health Management, Materials Degradation Science
Recent Books and Journal Papers
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2018.Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: A Practical Guide, M. Modarres, M. Kaminskiy, and V. Krivtsov, CRC Press, New York, N.Y., 1st Ed. (1999), 2nd Ed. (2010), 3rd Ed. (2017).
- Probabilistic Physics of Failure, in Advances in Performability Engineering, Prof. Krishna Misra (Ed.), (2021), ISBN 978-3-030-55732-4.
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy, Professor Ehud Greenspan & Dr. Joy Rempe (Eds.), Elsevier, 2021, ISBN: 9780128197257.
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
Big Machinery Data Preprocessing Methodology for Data-Driven Models in Prognostics and Health Management, S. Cofre-Martel, E. Droguett, M. Modarres, Sensors, October 2021, 21(20), 6841; https://doi.org/10.3390/s21206841
A Bayesian Network Approach for Modeling Dependent Seismic Failures in a Nuclear Power Plant Probabilistic Risk Assessment, J. DeJesus Segarra, M. Bensi, M. Modarres, Submitted Reliability Engineering and System Safety J., 213 (2021) 107678, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2021.107678
Multi-Unit Nuclear Power Plant Probabilistic Risk Assessment: A Comprehensive Survey, T. Zhou, M. Modarres, E. López Droguett. Submitted for publication to Reliability Engineering and System Safety J. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 213 (2021) 107782, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2021.107782
Acoustic emission signal clustering in CFRP laminates using a new feature set based on waveform analysis and information entropy analysis, S. F. Karimian, M. Modarres, Composite Structures J., Vol. 268, July 2021, 113987, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113987
Remaining Useful Life Estimation Through Deep Learning Partial Differential Equation Models: A Framework for Degradation Dynamics Interpretation Using Latent Variables, S. Cofre, E. López Droguett, M. Modarres, Shock and Vibration. 2021, 9937846, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9937846
Understanding and Effectively Managing Conservatisms in Safety Analysis, M. Modarres, S. Krahn, J. O’Brien, Nuclear Technology J., 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/00295450.2020.1805258
Layout Optimization of Multi-type Sensors and Human Inspection Tools with Probabilistic Detection of Localized Damages for Pipelines, A. Aria, S. Azarm, and M. Modarres, IEEE Access J., Vol. 9, 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2992671.
Extension of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis to Account for Spatial Variability of Ground Motions at a Multi-Unit Nuclear Power Plant Site, J. DeJesus-Segarra, M. Bensi, M. Modarres, and T. Weaver, Structural Safety J., Vol. 85, 101985, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.strusafe.2020.101958.
A Deep Adversarial Approach Based on Multi-sensor Fusion for Semi-supervised Remaining Useful Life Prognostics, D. Verstraete, E. Droguett, M. Modarres, Sensors, 20, 176 (2020), https://doi:10.3390/s20010176.
A Common Cause Failure Model for Components Under Age-Related Degradation, T. Zhou, E. Droguett, M. Modarres, Reliability Engineering and System Safety J., Vol.195 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2019.106699.
A New Method for Detecting Fatigue Crack Initiation in Aluminum Alloy Using Acoustic Emission Waveform Information Entropy, S. F. Karimian, H. A. Bruck, and M. Modarres, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 223 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfracmech.2019.106771.
Thermodynamic Entropy to Detect Fatigue Crack Initiation Using Digital Image Correlation, and Effect of Overload Spectrums, F. Karimian, H. Bruck, M. Modarres, International Journal of Fatigue, 129 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.105256.
Estimation of Damage Size and Remaining Useful Life in Degraded Structures through Deep-Learning Based Multi-Source Data Fusion, A. Aria, E. Droguett, S. Azarm, and M. Modarres, Structural Health Monitoring J., (2019). https://doi.org/10.1177/1475921719890616
Modeling Uncertainty in Reliability Growth Planning for Discrete-Use Systems, P. Nation and M. Modarres, Australian Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering, Vol. 15, No.1, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1080/14488388.2019.1661808.
Measures of Entropy to Characterize Fatigue Damage in Metallic Materials, H. Yun and M. Modarres, Entropy J., 21, 804. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/e21080804.
Deep Semi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Fault Diagnostics of Rolling Element Bearings, D. Verstraete, E. Droguett, A. Ferrada, V. Meruane, M. Modarres, Structural Health Monitoring J., pp.1–22 (2019). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1475921719850576.
Multi-Unit Risk Aggregation with Consideration of Uncertainty and Bias in Risk Metrics, T. Zhou, M. Modarres, E. Droguett, Reliability Engineering and System Safety J., Volume 188, Pages 473-482,(2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2019.04.001.
November Student Spotlight
Student SpotlightUMD’s Zhao to Lead New Dynamic PRA Study
Project aims to improve the computational efficiency of dynamic PRA.Student Spotlight: Eunseo So
Student SpotlightCRR Shines at PSA 2023
UMD CRR Shines at PSA 2023: Celebrating Excellence in Probabilistic Safety AssessmentCenter for Risk and Reliability Fosters Collaborative Environment
The Center for Risk and Reliability renovated their space to enhance multidisciplinary collaboration.Professor Modarres elevated to the rank of Life Fellow by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Life Fellow of the IEEE'They Are Playing With a Huge Fire'
With Ukraine's massive Zaporizhzhia plant in Putin's crosshairs, nuclear facilities must be taken off battlefield, UMD risk expert says.Student Spotlight: Terry Crouch
Meet Terry, an engineer with an interest in design, development, and maintenance planning.Assessing Nuclear Risk: CEE, ME Faculty Collaborate on New Tools
Research aims to explore updates to risk assessment tools and methods used by the nuclear industry.Oops-Proofing
A Collaboration Between CRR and Amazon Lab126 Seeks to Understand How Devices Can Be More DurableStudent Spotlight: Paul Nation
He was not a fan of the classroom but ended up in UMD's engineering program through his work with the Australian Army.Nuclear Pioneer Reyes Achieves Historic Milestone
NuScale Power, co-founded by UMD alumnus José Reyes, is the first to win NRC approval for a small modular reactor (SMR) design.Sergio Cofre-Martel wins 1st Place for Graduate Student Award
Sergio Cofre-Martel is the 1st Place Graduate Student Winner of the 2020 SER2AD Student Safety Innovation ChallengeStudent Spotlight: Ramin Moradi
Meet Ramin, who thinks of reliability engineering as a very unique and useful set of skills.Foad Karimian Awarded American Society for Nondestructive Testing Graduate Fellowship
Foad's research will focus on "Early prediction of fatigue failure and remaining useful life estimation in CFRP materials based on acoustic emission waveform information entropy."Student Spotlight: Joy Shen
Meet Joy, who finds that STEM has a lot of room for creativity and imagination.Foad Karimian Nominated for Ann G. Wylie Semester Dissertation Fellowship
The Fellowship provides support to doctoral candidates in the latter stages of writing their dissertations.Dr. Mohammad Modarres Presents Keynote at Invite-Only Conference
Dr. Modarres gave a keynote on "Advances in Probabilistic Physics-of-Failure."Student Spotlight: Jonathan DeJesus Segarra
Meet Jonathan, who believes engineering is a way to apply life-long learning.Dr. Mohammad Modarres to Present at Multiple Seminars in October
Dr. Modarres will be presenting at four seminars across October 2019Student Spotlight: Huisung Yun
Meet Huisung, who believes the relationship between engineers and decision-makers is critical for safety.Summary of PSA 2019, April 28-May 4, in Charleston, SC
Dr. Mohammad Modarres served as the Technical Chair at PSA 2019 in Charleston, SC.UMD workshop examines risks related to new transportation technology
Key concerns include vehice safety, software reliabillity, and cybersecurity.Bensi, Groth Selected for Nuclear Facility Risk Assessment Faculty Development Program
The inter-department program will support junior faculty in developing solutions to advance probabilistic risk assessments.Dr. Mohammad Modarres selected as Program Chair for PSA 2019.
Dr. Modarres will act as the Program Chair at PSA 2019 this spring.CRR Congratulates Taotao Zhou, Ph.D
Taotao Zhou earns doctorate, defends dissertation on MUPRA for CCF events in commercial nuclear environmentsAlumni Dr. Jeong H. Kim Receives 2016 Horatio Alger Award
Kim named one of 13 exceptional corporate and civic leaders to the Horatio Alger Member Class of 2016- American Nuclear Society
- Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA)